

Woman facial massage

Zero Balancing offers many powerful benefits to people of all ages. Here are some of the compelling reasons why you should seek Zero Balancing:

Increases feelings of health and well-being

Zero Balancing induces a state of deep rest that allows you to feel truly relaxed, renewed, and well. Regular Zero Balancing sessions may help you to feel more vital and alive.

Releases stress and improves the flow of energy in our bodies

Did you know that bones and other connective tissue actually conduct energy? Zero Balancing helps to free the flow of energy in the musculoskeletal system to help relieve stress and boost your body's natural energy.

Reduces pain and discomfort

Blocks in the body's energy often lead to imbalance, discomfort and pain. Zero Balancing helps open stuck areas in the body's natural shock absorbers: the tarsal bones in the arches of the feet, the joints where the ribs meet the spine, the neck, the hips, and the sacrum. Once these areas are free, pain can release.

Enhances stability, balance, and freedom

Zero Balancing helps to create a wonderful feeling of inner and outer balance, alignment, and organization. When your body is clear and balanced and your posture is aligned, you can move with freedom.

Amplifies the sense of connection, peace, and happiness

Zero Balancing is deeply satisfying. Often during a session you experience a sense of expansiveness, peace, and contentment.

Releases mental, emotional, and physical tension

Zero Balancing works on multiple levels to release tissue-held memory and tension patterns that may be affecting your mental, emotional, and physical states.

Supports us through transitions and transformations

A Zero Balancing session supports positive changes in behavior or attitude by giving you the chance to state your personal goals for change – which then become the focus of the session. With the ZB practitioner's attention and touch, energy is realigned so that old patterns can drop away and resistance to change subsides.

Improves quality of life and increases capacity for enjoyment

Zero Balancing helps us to feel better equipped to handle daily pressures. Many people who receive Zero Balancing on a regular basis find themselves more joyful and satisfied in both personal and work relationships.